Whisk together the flour, salt, baking powder, milk, and oil, until thoroughly combined.
Dump the dough onto a floured countertop. Knead the dough lightly, about four or five times, on a floured surface.
Divide the dough equally into two parts. Using a rolling pin, flatten one-half of the dough until it's approximately 1/8-inch thick.
Use a cookie cutter to shape the dough into 1 x 1½-inch pieces.
Place bouillon cubes and water into a large pot and stir until combined.
Dissolve the bouillon cubes in boiling water by stirring continuously until fully dissolved.
Cook the first batch of dumplings until they start floating to the top of the pot, which is an indicator that they're almost done.
Remove the dumplings with a strainer and place them in a bowl. Set them aside.
Continue cooking the remaining dumplings using the same method.
Keep the cooking liquid aside for later use.